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Always Have the Battery you Need When you Need It!

By G Bruce Grayson |

June 30th, 2021



I was fishing around in a drawer, looking for a pen. After going through a few drawers I came across a flashlight that I forgot I had, from a few months back.

Somewhat curious but not very hopeful, I pushed the light switch to turn it on and nothing, as I had thought, nothing happened. The batteries were dead.

After putting in some fresh batteries and hitting the switch again the flashlight was working perfectly. However, that got me to thinking,

what about some of the other items that require batteries. Would they work or would their batteries need changing also?

So after checking several other items that depend on batteries around the house and the shop, it seems like most of my hobbies and interest, rely on some type of battery variant; AA, AAA, 9Volt, CR123, CR2032, LR44/AG13, LR41/AG3, to infinity.

Back in the day the choices were few and therefore simpler, with; AA, C, 9Volt and the almost never seen anymore, D cell batteries. But nowadays, with the proliferation of electronics, more and more types of kit require growing list of different types of batteries.

Okay, enough about my issues with batteries and more on how you will: Always Have the Battery you Need, When you Need It.

I realized that the issue wasn't that I didn't have the right batteries. I had tons of all the ones I talked about a few paragraphs ago. THE ISSUE WAS, I had all of these batteries in one place. Whenever I needed a battery, no matter what type, I'd go to my battery bin.

The problem is, we all eventually have to leave home every now and then. When we leave for work, school, recreation, etc..., we take those items that need those batteries with us, while leaving the spare batteries home. Eventually the juice will run out, and according to Murphy's Law, it will be at the very most inconvenient time.

That's when it came to me, to have a repository of those very same batteries, strategically placed, for what ever gadget I was likely to carry so that no matter where I was, I'd always have an extra battery in reserve just case of an emergency.

For example, I keep them in my: backpack, vehicle glove box, gym bag, different levels and rooms in my home.

If your particular hobby or interest involves any of the following ;[photography, digital optics, lighting, gaming systems, or more of an urgent nature, medical kits with digital thermometers/blood pressure, portable AED (automated external defibrillator) systems] then having the batteries for these systems, with in an arm's length, can be very time and aggravation saving and possibly, Life Saving.

Note: Please remember, temperature / Humidity affects battery life and function. If you have to leave batteries stored, room temps are best. For more detail on storing batteries:


* List of some ways you can have batteries ready no matter where you are.

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